Elon Musk is The real-life Iron Man, and in real life, there are always ups and downs, failures, and successes.
But how can one end up rising after every failure and succeed after great success?
Here, we provide you with the ultimate Elon Musk productivity secrets and tips that will motivate you and boost your productivity.
1- Take risks while you have time.

Success isn't exclusive to a certain age or a specific period of life. No one can deny this.
According to Elon Musk, if you're going to take risks, you should take them as early as possible.
When we are young, we have much fewer commitments and much more time. As we grow up, our commitments increase and our time decrease.
When we come to risk or take a new road, We don't know if there is time for it and Would it affect us only, or if it's going to affect our families?
So take risks while you are young and still have time for it.
2- Tackle the hardest and most important tasks first
Elon Musk wakes up at 7 a.m. Every day, and starts his day by doing the most important task first.
He believes one should carefully define his priorities and keep on top of them.
He doesn't waste his time on useless matters and neglects what is important and has the greatest impact on his life.
3- The clock is ticking

For some people, this may seem overwhelming and may make them procrastinate even more.
When they keep an eye on the clock, but a determined person like Elon Musk knows that time is gold.
Being the CEO of 3 of the biggest world companies; things are never easy.
Musk finds his way through these endless tasks by dividing his time into 5 minute chunks.
Everything, every part of his life, is scheduled and organized.
You can do the same. It might take some time to get used to it. Know exactly how much time each task would take.
But after a little while; you would have so much done in less time and in an organized way.
4- I don't stop when I am tired. I stop when I am done.
This is what Elon Musk does in his everyday life. Sometimes he works up to 100 hours a week to get everything done.
Elon's advice for you is to get out of your comfort zone and do what has to be done. No procrastination and No excuses.
5- Multitasking

This can be controversial, as some people say that multitasking is bad. And you can’t do either of the tasks right.
Elon Musk is completely convinced that there is nothing wrong with multitasking.
He says: "I can be with my children and still be on email".
His justification for this is that if he didn't do so, he won't be able to finish his scheduled work.
And we advise you to multitask with tasks that need low brain effort, like cooking while doing a work call or reading emails as you eat your food.
6- be a lifelong learner.

“It is important to view knowledge as a sort of semantic tree.
Make sure you understand the fundamental principles, the trunk, And big branches, before you get into the leaves/details or there is nothing for them to hang on to,” says Musk.
It’s never late to learn something new. Try to learn what would be useful for you in your career or even in your daily life.
To do that, you should define what you know, where is your gap in knowledge, and what you want to learn.
7- Develop good communication skills.
“People work better when they know what the goal is and why. People must look forward to coming to work in the morning and enjoy working.”
One of the multi-talents that musk has, is writing good emails. Emails are one of the most important ways of communication inside and among big companies.
He would even sometimes send his employee's emails to teach them how to properly write emails.
Communication skills in any business are now a must, good communication with your employees or employers will come with good results.
8- know where the problem comes from
An emerging problem is always a headache, but instead of complaining about the problem, you should look deeply into the problem to know what causes it.
Knowing the problem is the first step to solving it and makes problem-solving easier and more efficient.
Rather than just solving the minor problems which originated from the big one, Focus on what caused the problem in the first place.
9- Be the change that you want to see in the world
Who is better than Elon Musk to say that?
He wanted a better way of paying, so he founded PayPal.
He wanted better and cheaper rocks, so he founded SpaceX.
Not only that, but he wanted Eco-friendly cars, so he founded Tesla.
He wanted a solution to the traffic, so he founded The Boring Company.
Although no one can change the world completely, it would be changed if every one of us did his part.
10- don’t be convinced by what is good, reach for what is better

“It’s very important to have a feedback loop.
Where you're constantly thinking about what you've done. And how you could be doing it better.
I think that's the single best piece of advice.
Constantly think about how you could be doing things better and questioning yourself.” Says musk.
As we see in every successful person's story of success, there is always hard work. That is it.
The hard, smart work and there is no giving up as those people know that there is no magic in real life and nothing would change if you did nothing.
Tell us what you think about these steps and do you consider trying them?